Sustained Instructional Coaching

Sustained Instructional Coaching

Looking for real change that only comes from sustained support? Consider instructional coaching!

Instructional coaching is the perfect solution to abbreviated workshops we have all become accustomed to during professional development conferences and teacher PD days.

Because professional development and teacher support are sustained over time, goals are achieved and often surpassed! This approach is also more practical for teachers in the long-run.

My instructional coaching centers:

  • A longer-term professional relationship where I partner with schools, districts, organizations to improve teaching and learning so that both teachers and students are more successful

  • Flexibility and adaptability as teachers’ contexts change over time

  • Teacher efficacy

  • A “progress over perfection” approach where teachers make small changes over time that can create a lasting impact on students

As a coach, I collaborate with teachers to get a clear picture of their current teaching context, identify goals, pick instructional strategies to meet the goals, monitor progress, and problem solve so that goals are met.

Instructional coaching can take many forms (whole group coaching, 1-1 coaching of teachers who are part of the same team, or a mixture of both).

Interested in exploring this option for your district or organization? Feel free to fill out the form!